Diamond Education

Diamond Education
Buying a diamond is quite possibly the biggest and most meaningful purchase you will ever undertake. Taking your time and being informed about your purchase will ensure you make the right choice and ultimately make your lady the happiest she has ever been. If you are a bit apprehensive to embark on this journey of a lifetime, take a few moments to educate yourself so you are not bombarded with a plethora of ideas and design possibilities. Diamonds can be anywhere from simple to elaborate, but make no mistake, they are all dazzling in their own special way. There are four categories of how professional jewelers grade diamonds. They are quite easy to remember because they all start with the letter C: Cut, color, clarity and carat. By taking a few moments to read our educational literature on the subject matter, you will soon possess the knowledge needed to choose the ideal ring for your betrothed.
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1111 Greensboro Ave, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401


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